My Trusted Friend,

Your advise has proven, once again, to value highest the future success of the goals embedded in our associative union. I am certain that this one will work, with your will and the foreseen blessing of His Presence on our side, he will not allow any further hinderance. It is simply my hope that under my mentorship, our new exorcist will succeed.

The... failiure that was The Bloodied Sword cannot occur again.
Leave it to me to discover my hand selected was a cannibal to our own kind.

A feeling deep within my concious dictates that turning to one of the other kind to carry out this task will have more prominent results than relying on the bias of one burdened with the infliction. I know it has been controversial, but the details of our arrangement, I trust in your aid in keeping such information... out of the public eye.

More and more concern about the growing divides in the inflicted who hold power and what that danger presents to the living is taking a toll on the communities among us... Even our own within the monastary are concerned about what this uptick in deviants means for the ways of life we have all grown used to in past centuries. The deviants, being, what the inflicted are now calling those among us who host the sickness within themselves.

It has been far too long... perhaps this is the divine punishment that his presense had insisted upon ever since his departure from my embrace. I know you among others in our cabinet have preached to stop spouting such things, I only wish I could have the same ignorance towards the evils of those I myself reguard so highly. I have spent such a long time grapling with my own guilt over his loss that I have looked past the signs until its become out of control. We are all guily of mishandling what we had been sufficiently warned of.

I have said once and will express once more... the mortality in his condition is to our bennefit. Mr.Carl has proven as skilled as you claimed him to express in his time of servitude to you. I generously take full responsibility for his actions as we see where this endeavor goes. We are far from the last line, but even I am growing weary of this life.

At the very least, I can pray that this apprentice doesn't take such a liking to my phsyical form that he claims my eye for himself hahah. I've only one left, so should he betray me, it would do you best to package neatly my blinded body and send it back to Joseph to evaluate the hence-completed work of his unforseen collaborator.
Perhaps this would ease the jealousy and competetiveness that I am witnissing between the two within the monestary corridors. Oh Joseph... you were simply not meant for this.

Take care, and mind my deep sympathy for you in these times.
I will always remain a friend of yours among the fuss,

The Embrace.